I didn't have anywhere else to post this, so i thought i'd do it here. My camera,
La Poderosa, turns 4 today (and it's not dead yet!). Leave it to me to make a video about it...
I had to leave a LOT of photos out. First selection was 400 images, kinda difficult to fit in 3 minutes. I finally settled for photos of what this camera knew best, fun times with my friends. Me and my friends have a visual memory of the last four years, and this is a small sample of it. Click on the image to download the video (12mb -sorry, wmv only!).

Song is "Ana Said" by
Rick Temporao and the New Low (do yourself a favor and check out this band, you won't regret it)
The End
The week break i was supposed to take ended up being two weeks. It gave me some time to think about the future of DayPhoto, and I have decided to end this project.
I had a great time with this photoblog. Forcing myself to shoot and post every single day for 7 months was quite an experience, and left me a visual record of a very special period of my life. But lately i have found myself caring less and less about the project during the day and less satisfied about the images i was posting. It was starting to become a burden, and that's not what i had in mind when i started.
I have some new projects in mind already; nothing for sure yet but i will definetly start something in the near future. I'll be posting a link here, so keep checking this from time to time.
And last, but most certanly not least, thanks to everyone who left comments, and supported and encouraged me.

DayPhoto Videocast #4 (click on the image for .mp4, or
here for .wmv)
Song: "New Messiah" by
Dead Heart BloomJoin the
Rogic easter egg hunt. Collect the rest of the eggs!
I apologize to all the egg hunters. This should have been up several hours ago, but Ourmedia hasn't processed the file i uploaded yet. I had to use a temporary alternate host